Monday, December 19, 2016

2003-10-29 Black Keys

Recording #1
I first heard of the Black Keys sometime early in 2003.  The record Thickfreakness had just been released on Fat Possum Records and I also purchased their first album The Big Come Up from Alive Naturalsound Records.  They had a tour scheduled through the midwest in late October of 2003, and I made plans to attend the shows in Omaha, Iowa City and Minneapolis.  Their website stated that audience recordings were allowed, and I decided to purchase some equipment.  I found a small Sony minidisc recorder and some binaural microphones.

Thee Shams were the opening band.  There may have been another opener, but I don't recall.

I bought a vinyl copy of Thickfreakness.  I believe Pat and Dan's girlfriends were running the merch.  I had Pat and Dan sign the album after the show.

Hard Row
Them Eyes
The Breaks
Have Love Will Travel
The Moan
Set You Free
She Said She Said
Everywhere I Go
Do The Rump
No Trust
No Fun
I'll Be Your Man
Heavy Soul

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