Tuesday, September 19, 2017

2007-02-10 The Black Diamond Heavies

Recording #250

At the Hideaway in Raleigh NC.

The rock'n'roll lifestyle was taking a toll on everyone.  Tired, hungover, generally grumpy.  Get fired up for the show and wind down with no real rest and another long drive for the next day.  This was my last night to see these guys.  They had many more cities and days ahead of tour.  After the set, John was straight to the van and asleep in minutes.  I watched Scott's set with Van and said goodbye.  An older woman was putting a hard sell on Scott.  It took about three sentances to spell out that she was alone, from out of town, had a hotel room, and wanted Scott in that room.  I left while she was still shoving a room card at Scott and he wanted none of it.

Tough to pass up a couple Florida shows and seeing more friends on the way, but it was time to head home.

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